Chaire UNESCO sur la diversité
des expressions culturelles

Chaire UNESCO sur la diversité des expressions culturelles

ICCPR 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research

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Accueil ICCPR 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research
En ligne
23 Mars 2021 9:00 - 26 Mars 2021 18:00

Plusieurs membres de la Chaire UNESCO participeront à la 11th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR 2021) qui aura lieu entièrement en ligne du 23 au 26 mars 2021. 

La Chaire UNESCO a proposé un panel intitulé : "The Discoverability of Cultural Contents as a Tool to Enhance Resilience of Cultural Policies in the Digital Environment" dont les conférencières sont les suivantes : 

-Iris Richer, The Adoption of Discoverability Measures by States Parties : an Implementation of the 2005 Convention in the Digital Environment
-Ivana Otasevic, The Protection and Promotion of Cultural Expressions of Migrants in the Digital Environment
-Véronique Guèvremont, The compatibility of discoverability measures with trade agreements
-Clémence Varin, The role of forums other than UNESCO in the implementation of the 2005 Convention : the particular example of the discoverability of national cultural contents